I AM...

If we pay attention to the language we habitually use–often subconsciously–to describe ourselves, we may learn an interesting point. It’s this: Every word or phrase that follows the great “I AM,” (which according to many spiritual texts and teachers expresses who we actually are) limits, expands, or in some other way defines our human experience. A few examples may help us consider this in more depth:

  • I AM…a loner.
  • I AM…outgoing.
  • I AM…a homebody.
  • I AM…adventurous.
  • I AM…successful.
  • I AM…a failure.
  • I AM…happy
  • I AM…sad.
  • I AM…confident.
  • I AM…shy.

To examine this train of thought further, let’s imagine that Jane is a woman who often uses “I AM a homebody” to describe herself. It may roll off the the tip of her tongue as though she’s stating nothing at all–just facts of life. By doing so, Jane is claiming that she prefers to stay at home; that she likes the tranquility and safety it provides; that she neither needs nor desires a more exciting, adventurous, and extroverted life. She may believe this was fated, as though decreed by a deity on a distant cloud; or she may never question the origin of her own traits. All is good. The truth–at least from a Law of Attraction perspective–however, is this:

Every time Jane states I AM a homebody, she is actually creating more of that reality! The very moment that she repeats her self description, she is also simultaneously preventing a different reality from becoming part of her experience. Thoughts of being a homebody do not lead to actions of jet setting around the world. To be a homebody is fine; that’s not the point. What matters deeply–even poignantly–is if Jane actually yearns for more–perhaps being capable of visiting the Great Pyramids of Egypt, climbing to a Base Camp on Mount Everest, running a successful travel business, or learning to ride a motorcycle. In most cases, it is our identification with the false self (the conceptual identity) that prevents us from reaching for our dreams. What would people think? says the false self; or I can’t do that!–something inconceivable to the great I AM.

Some of the self descriptions we use aren’t truly that important. However, many are. This becomes more relevant when we consider the following example: I AM sick. If Jane had the capacity to create a homebody experience for herself (by precluding a different reality), is it not logical to conclude that by repeating I AM sick that a person could only be creating more sickness? How could health become? Are we who study and practice the Law of Attraction asking individuals to deny sickness? No, of course not! Wishing a condition away is not the same as creating something new–possibly a cure or improved state of well being! A person who is experiencing sickness is wise to seek every possible avenue for healing. That very healing, however, will begin by stating a new affirmation; something that breaks the cycle of current conditions and circumstances that such a person may have believed fated. The words to begin such a process might include: I AM…healed, I AM…well,  or I AM…getting better each and every day. The way will be revealed.

An important point regarding the deliberate application of our words: To state our new affirmation in a lifeless and monotone manner is not enough. Our words take on power and creative vibrancy when we imbue them with feelings connected to images in our mind. For the man who feels crippled, that would require imagining himself flexible, pain free, and walking with ease. For the woman who feels poor, that would require imagining herself surrounded by ample signs of abundance. It’s wise to initially stretch our beliefs by small increments, by envisioning goals that seem plausible for us.

Lastly: A creator is a creator is a creator! Not only on Thursdays when the sky is blue and we’re content with what we’ve created in our life. Every day, every hour, every moment! Our ignorance of our deeper nature–our I AM-ness–does not prevent us from creating, nonetheless. It’s in our nature to create–we cannot escape it. How do we create? Through our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. The process always begins, however, with thought. Our words are merely thoughts given verbal expression. And our actions are intimately connected to what we think, believe, and speak. This truth may be worth considering the next time we’re tempted to casually attach a word or phrase to the great I AM.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2020 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. May it help you in your spiritual journey. 🙏🙏

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

5 thoughts on “I AM…

    1. Thank you very much, Sky! I agree about the power of language (The Word). As Charles Haanel stated in The Master Key System, words are “but the cloaks of thought.” As we realize, thoughts lead to feelings; feelings to actions; actions to habits; habits to the character that molds our destiny.

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