Are You Watching?

The great Lao Tzu (ancient Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism, and author of the Tao Te Ching) is attributed with having written the following famous quote:

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

For anyone who is seeking a logical understanding of the way to achieve better results, I know of no better method than to examine this quote in greater detail–and apply it! In a few words, simply and beautifully expressed, we are given a formula by which we can achieve our goals. The formula is concise, powerful, and effective. Please contemplate it with me for a few moments.

Lao Tzu is basically advising us to pay attention. We are to watch. We are to assume our rightful place above, or somewhat remote to, whatever is occurring. In our thinking, actions, and habits, we are to remain in the place of the witness. By doing so, we are practicing deliberate awareness. Conversely, if we are unaware, we may unintentionally create negative and troubling consequences.

To live in this manner enables us to realize the difference between reacting and responding. When we react, we allow old neural pathways to automatically govern our actions; but when we respond, we create space for choice, which gives rise to inspired ways of being. This difference can vastly change the results that we experience. So, what do you desire? Do you desire better health? Watch. Do you desire greater wealth? Watch. Do you desire more success? Watch—from the perspective of the true YOU.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2021 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found via this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🤍

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

2 thoughts on “Are You Watching?

  1. Thank you Art! As always you have shared words of phenomenal inspiration. We ARE the guardian at the gate! Please continue to help elevate the collective consciousness. THIS is what our world hungers for. Namaste. 🙏🙏


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