Deliberate Attunement

The nature and quality of the information to which we attune makes a tremendous difference in the quality of our apparent life. We naturally realize this, although we may not consciously contemplate the principle involved. Who of us after–first–attending a hostile debate, or–second–a spirited birthday party–would not admit to feeling negative and, perhaps, lethargic after the former; and positive and, most likely, enthusiastic after the latter? To allow entry of harmful and meaningless content into our mind is not to practice wise government. We were given the power of choice; and it’s vitally important that we carefully exercise that right.

Our modern-day societies are bombarded with stimuli; so much so, that it’s often challenging to find temporary sanctuary from the incessant visual and auditory bombing raids. Repeatedly, we are informed that conditions within the world are horrendous, and that they’re inevitably turning from bad to worse. With news of doom and gloom being reported on a worldwide basis, is it any wonder that suicide rates are high and enthusiasm for life, itself, often depressingly low? What nature of conversations are we being stimulated to parrot?

This article is not intended to be a rehash of bad-news bombing raids. It gladdens me that (no matter how bad outer circumstances may seem) each of us has a refuge within–a placeless place of stillness and peace. When I attune to Infinite Being within, I know that all is well; in spite of appearances to the contrary. I know that Infinite Living Mind is beating my heart, breathing my lungs, and circulating my blood. Through Deuteronomy 31:6, we also know the following:

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

These words are far from hollow in meaning. They are pointers to a deeper dimension of Consciousness, and the realization that true Self is always with us. At the divine center point of Truth, we realize that The Father and I, are One. If we’re wise, we’ll habitually attune to That to help lighten our load and harmonize our way in the apparent world.

Dare to Dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2023 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

2 thoughts on “Deliberate Attunement

  1. Yes, yes, yes, so true! What gladdens my heart is knowing that as the dark becomes darker, the light becomes lighter and darkness cannot hide from light. Light wins in the end! The brighter our thoughts, the lighter the light.


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