Choices from “I Am” Now

Hello Everyone,

Please step out of time and join me–here and now–in the glorious beauty of our true nature. We are so much more than the person we “think” we are. I offer you my latest video:

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2024 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🏻🧡

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We Needn’t Suffer Our “Person”

Hello Everyone,

In an effort to lessen suffering related to confusion about our true nature, I offer my latest YouTube video.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2024 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🏻🧡

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The Bastard Child’s Hierarchy

Contrary to what the bastard child (the ego/conceptual self) might attempt to tell us, we are children of the Living God. In the attached video, I offer pointers that I hope will help you discern between the false self and That which you truly are.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2024 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

“As In Heaven”

In this article, I share a video that I just released on my YouTube channel. The content of it may be new to some viewers who are still functioning under the Newtonian paradigm of reality. I hope that you will find the content helpful.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2024 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🏻🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

In this article, I’m going to offer my interpretation of the words (borrowed from John 6:1) that serve as the title:

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In my opinion, the message is intended not only to help us be more at ease with circumstances in the apparent world; but also to offer guidance as to how to achieve what we desire to manifest. The majority of the world’s population is existing in their mentality; therefore, if their mind judges circumstances as favourable (based upon interpretation of outer circumstances), they feel happy. Conversely, if outer circumstances are judged unfavourable, they feel unhappy. Such is a rocky and tumultuous way to exist, because the perspective of the “person” is dependent on the mercy of circumstance. Although this may seem challenging to believe, it’s vital to understand that the apparent outer conditions are a reflection of our inner state.

The second part of the passage–“ye believe in God, believe also in me“–is also significant. I offer that this is another way of saying that “I and the Father are one.” Jesus was basically relating that he was in the Father (because he descended from Him) and that the Father must, therefore, be within him. When we extrapolate this, it’s only logical to conclude that the Father must also be in us. How could the fruit not have the nature of the Tree within it?

With regard to the Law of Attraction, it’s important to understand the differences in the approaches to manifesting our goals: If our habitual focus is outward, toward the apparent world, we will most likely assume ourselves to be the “person” working toward the manifestation of our desire. This would be the prodigal approach; in which we erroneously believe that we live and move and have our being of our own accord. When we re-cognize (know again) ourselves as Spirit (aka Consciousness), we realize that everything (including our body-mind) is actually an appearance within Consciousness. From this vantage, we realize that to manifest we must hold our heart’s desire firmly in mind and imbue it with the feeling of having already been achieved. As Neville Goddard advised, we visualize our desire “from the end,” meaning achievement. The way toward our desire’s apparent manifestation will be revealed. All of this occurs while we remain in a state of flow as the witness; watching as our body-mind steps across a bridge of incidents. As will be obvious, there’s a world of difference in the approaches. The scriptural passage below, borrowed from Mark 11:24, reinforces the second approach, which relates to the Truth of our being:

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,

believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Putting this together into a system that makes sense about the Law of Attraction is much easier to understand when we recognize That which we actually are. All objects, including persons, are created by the mind. Just as Infinite Living Mind creates images and events in the dream state, so It also does in this–the waking state; which majority of beings mistake as reality. In Truth, we are Spirit, dreaming an apparently human life.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2024 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

The Healing of Jim McBrown

“It’s not looking good, said the doctor. “We’ve found something suspicious on the MRI. Jim, who was sitting across from the doctor, suddenly became pale as he attempted to process the news. Further tests in the coming week would confirm a diagnosis. Treatment began as soon as possible. One night, after Jim had spent a long day in hospital, he fell asleep; and while he slept, the following was revealed through what he would later refer to as The Voice:


“You are consciousness,” said The Voice. “You are of the same nature as I Am That I Am. You are neither the body nor the mind. The body has become ill because you are holding negative emotions that have not yet been processed in a healthy way. The greatest power is spiritual power. It flows from the highest gradient downstream–much like water–to the lowest. That which Spirit habitually envisions (especially if imbued with great feeling) flows down through the mind and is made apparent as matter. This applies to what humans label good and bad. If you let go of that which is negative, there will be room for That which is positive to heal you. This is the reason for the account of Job, in the Bible:

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me,

and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”

“Job experienced such tremendous suffering because he always focused on the negative. To him, his apparent world was always wrong. Trust, me,” said The Voice, “I speak truth unto your ear. Please listen again to scripture which has revealed the veracity of that which I share:

Mark 9: 23: “Jesus said unto him,

If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

As Jim was rising from the drowsy wispiness of sleep, he again heard The Voice: “If you pay more attention to what is right and good within–trusting upon me–then such will appear within your world. I will give unto you that which you believe.” The last words that Jim heard were these: “Let not your heart be troubled.”


In the coming weeks, Jimmy continued to have treatments; but a change had occurred within him. He knew that if he focused upon his vision of healing it would be so. He didn’t have to know the way that such would occur. The treatments progressed and somehow, Jim realized that–whatever happened–all would be well.

Note: This article is not intended to convince anyone of any course of treatment during an illness of the body or the mind. It’s intended only to provide spiritual inspiration that is supportive of healing.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With warm regards,


Copyright © – 2024 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

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Pointing To Truth

In today’s article, I offer several quotes from various authors and deep thinkers that point to a different reality from that which the majority of persons assume to be true. Perhaps some, or all, of these quotes will resonate with you, or inspire you to investigate your essential nature beyond name and form:

The world as seen only exists in the mind of the observer. It has no independent existence.”

– David R. Hawkins.

This world, with all its animate beings and inanimate objects, is nothing but the creation of the mind. When the activities of the mind cease, there is no world, no duality. There is only God.”

– Gaudapada

Every phenomenon that exists is a creation of thought.”

– Huang Po

The truth is that God is the mind and life of the individual. God is the only I.”

– Joel Goldsmith

Your Self without ‘you’ is the one you seek.”

– Mooji

God is man’s consciousnes, his awareness, his I Amness. The drama of life is a psychological one in which we bring circumstances to pass by our attitudes rather than by our acts.”

– Neville Goddard

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.”

– Plutarch

The universe is a mere appearance and the ego-sense is a mere concept.”

– Ramesh S. Balsekar

There is no difference in our actual experience between the substance of the apple that appears in memory and the substance of the apple that appears in ‘real time.’ Our only knowledge of both is made out of mind–out of seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting, and the substance of mind is only Awareness.

– Rupert Spira

Everything is in consciousness, nothing else.

– Shri Ranjit Majarah

Thought creates the world. Thoughts bring things into existence.”

– Sri Swami Sivananda

Phenomena only ‘exist’ in the mind that perceives them.”

– Tibetan Book of The Dead

No thought of form can be impressed upon original substance without causing the creation of that form. A human being is a thinking center and can originate thought.”

– Wallace D. Wattles

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2023 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

Deliberate Attunement

The nature and quality of the information to which we attune makes a tremendous difference in the quality of our apparent life. We naturally realize this, although we may not consciously contemplate the principle involved. Who of us after–first–attending a hostile debate, or–second–a spirited birthday party–would not admit to feeling negative and, perhaps, lethargic after the former; and positive and, most likely, enthusiastic after the latter? To allow entry of harmful and meaningless content into our mind is not to practice wise government. We were given the power of choice; and it’s vitally important that we carefully exercise that right.

Our modern-day societies are bombarded with stimuli; so much so, that it’s often challenging to find temporary sanctuary from the incessant visual and auditory bombing raids. Repeatedly, we are informed that conditions within the world are horrendous, and that they’re inevitably turning from bad to worse. With news of doom and gloom being reported on a worldwide basis, is it any wonder that suicide rates are high and enthusiasm for life, itself, often depressingly low? What nature of conversations are we being stimulated to parrot?

This article is not intended to be a rehash of bad-news bombing raids. It gladdens me that (no matter how bad outer circumstances may seem) each of us has a refuge within–a placeless place of stillness and peace. When I attune to Infinite Being within, I know that all is well; in spite of appearances to the contrary. I know that Infinite Living Mind is beating my heart, breathing my lungs, and circulating my blood. Through Deuteronomy 31:6, we also know the following:

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

These words are far from hollow in meaning. They are pointers to a deeper dimension of Consciousness, and the realization that true Self is always with us. At the divine center point of Truth, we realize that The Father and I, are One. If we’re wise, we’ll habitually attune to That to help lighten our load and harmonize our way in the apparent world.

Dare to Dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2023 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

“That” Which Cannot Be Defined

I offer you my latest video about our essential nature:

That” Which Cannot Be Defined:

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2023 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🏻🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

I’ll Be With You

There are two intentions related to this article: We’re going to investigate the natures of our egoic structure and true Self; and we’re also going to examine why it’s important to know the difference, especially when it comes to using the saying “I’ll Be With You.”

The lowercase “i” of name and form is utterly false–a mere concept without any real substance. The uppercase “I,” which is beyond name and form, is absolutely real–the very Truth of our Being. The former, which is changeful and limited by time and space, has a beginning and, therefore, an end. The latter, which is changeless and limitless, was never born and is, therefore, eternal. When we relate to one another via the “i,” we are meeting at the level of our mind-based structures. Our communication will, therefore, reflect an apparent sense of separation. When we–via direct knowing–relate to one another via “I,” we are meeting at our shared I Am-ness. Our communication will, therefore, reflect an understanding of our unity.

Most of us are familiar with the saying “I’ll Be With You.” It’s often used when we wish someone (who may be going through a fearful event or a challenging circumstance) to know that we are with them in Spirit. When the saying is used sincerely, it can make a world of difference to everyone involved. It is felt very deeply, indeed.

The following is the most important point related to the principle of “being with you.” If the saying remains as words only, it’s possible that it’s based only upon an egoic gesture; which means that it hasn’t yet given birth to its full potential. When the saying comes from our I Am-ness, it reaches across space and time and touches the other’s heart. Everyone realizes this quite naturally; for we feel the resonance of Truth and are divinely elevated.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2023 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. My YouTube videos may be found through this link. May the content of either or both help you along your spiritual journey. 🙏🧡

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers