Get Your Motor Running

When I was a young boy between the ages of four and six, I used to drive my car in the basement of our home. Yup, you read that correctly, my “car.” My car was nothing fancy–no power windows, no heated seats, no surround-sound stereo. My car was actually a cardboard box, with a slot into which I could insert one of the dozen keys that I kept on a ring in my pocket; and it had a steering wheel of some sort (most likely a plastic disc with a nail in the center on which it could rotate), and a gear shift. It was a pretty basic daily driver (🙂) for a child with an active imagination. At that time, if any adult mind had attempted to tell me that I wasn’t really driving my car, I would probably have gotten into my car and left them behind in the dust.

For persons who are earnestly eager to manifest more of what they desire in life (not “want,” because to want literally means “to lack”), it’s vitally important that we get our motor running by visualizing the life that we truly desire. Do you desire improved health, greater wealth, loving relationships? If that’s the case, then I suggest committing a few minutes each day (preferably right after waking, and just before drifting off to sleep) to visualize what you desire. This might take the form of writing your affirmations in a relaxed and detached manner, or feeling the truth of your visualizations. To be most effective, it’s important to visualize yourself in a scene that implies the successful achievement of your goal NOW. “Why should we visualize our goals as achieved NOW?” you might ask. Because when other than NOW can anything actually occur? To visualize your goal as being accomplished next week will FOREVER keep your goal’s achievement at least a week away.

To add some more credibility to the content of this article, let’s draw on a quote from Andrew Carnegie, who was no lightweight when it came to manifesting great wealth and success. Many of you realize that he was the man who commissioned Napoleon Hill to write Think and Grow Rich, which some readers still consider to be the granddaddy of all law of attraction books:

Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered,

will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.

Let’s add more weight to the importance of visualization and the power of our words (whether you think you CAN (), or you think you can’t (X), by reading the following passage from Job 22:28:

Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee;

and the light shall shine upon thy ways.”

Perhaps the following quote from The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles will resonate more strongly with you:

No thought of form can be impressed upon original substance [consciousness]without causing the creation of that form. A human being is a thinking center and can originate thought.”

You might find even more reason to believe in the power of visualization through the following short article that relates a well-known study performed by Dr. Blaslotto at the University of Chicago in 1996. Press here if you’d like to read it. You “know” the manifestation of your desire is inevitable when (as Neville Goddard, the Barbadian mystic, proclaimed) you feel the “normalcy” of the wish fulfilled. The feeling is as certain as driving my “car” was to me as a young boy.

Of course, you realize that this article is not just about a child who once pretended that he was driving a car in his basement. My intention is to offer you information that can help you manifest improved health and a greater degree of success (however you define success). Isn’t it time to head out on the highway?

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright © – 2021 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. May it help you in your spiritual journey. 🙏🤍

Thank You” & “Note to Publishers

4 thoughts on “Get Your Motor Running

  1. Magnificent! Yes, we do manifest our reality. Let me share my lil story:

    I was born in Romania. When I was very young, I had a children’s book that I loved so much, and went back to it time and time again. It was called “Apolodor” and it was the story of a penguin from Labrador who worked at the circus in Bucharest. Soon, Apolodor starts missing his brothers and sisters in Labrador so much, he embarks on a journey back, and the story was following his incredible journey.

    It had the loveliest pictures, and I loved drowining my mind in it.

    I was very young, and had no idea at the time Labrador was an actual place. I took the story as a fairy tale.

    Few years later, when I reached 14, I took a plane to join my father who had emigrated to Canada, and found myself landing in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada’s smallest, frost bitten province.🐧


    1. Hello, Stuart. Thank you very much for your kind comment. I’m glad that you enjoyed the article. Years ago, I visualized very litte; but now it’s part of my daily practice. If you do decide to to visualize more often, imagine the “end result” that you desire, from your perspective. A book that I would highly recommend is entitled “The Power of Awareness” by Neville Goddard. Thanks again! 🙏


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