God At My Table

How fortunate I am to have been raised by loving parents. Although not perfect (for who in human form is?), my parents set many fine examples of how to be in this world. They encouraged–more importantly practiced–honesty, caring, generosity, and industriousness. One of their powerful examples was that of saying grace before eating our meals. As a child, with head bowed and eyes closed, I most likely believed that they were uttering words to a non-existent God that was floating somewhere off in the clouds. I’m thankful that I now know better.

From the human perspective that is often conditioned by the “materialist” paradigm of reality and innocently ignorant of our deeper nature, saying grace to a God that we cannot see may seem ludicrous. To many persons it does. When we glimpse life on a deeper level, however, we may be at least tempted to say “thank you” for the bounty before us. When we become still, we realize that something profound is occurring below the surface-level appearance of things. Let’s use that slice of bread in our hand, as an example:

Humankind may say, “But ‘i’ make that bread; it is ‘i’ that do the work.” On the surface level of reality, that certainly appears so. It also appears to be humans who till the soil, plant the seeds, harvest the crops, own the bakeries, load the ovens, and ship the baked product to various stores owned by humans. But can even one of those humans actually grow wheat? Do we orchestrate that miracle–or any of the other countless miracles that occurs in the eternal NOW? To understand this more deeply, we can turn to a passage of scripture that holds great meaning. It is from Acts 17:28:

“For in him we live, and move, and have our being;

as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.”

I now know that whether I realized it or not, God was always at my table (wherever “i” was), in all ways. God was, and IS, the very table itself. God is the bread, the butter, and all of the bounty–however simple in appearance–upon our table. God was my mother, my father, my sisters, and “i,” who were so fortunate to have food to eat. God was also the knowing of one another; for without God (Consciousness) how could any degree of abundance been known? Grace? Yes, I still say it, although apparently living on my own. My grateful heart has so much for which to give thanks–the Greatest of which is God. God is always welcome and acknowledged at my table. After all, it is His, and so am I.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Copyright Β© – 2021 – R. Arthur Russell

P.S. Please share this article if you enjoyed it. If you’d like to view my latest book (This Taste of Flesh and Bones–released September 8, 2020), press here. May it help you in your spiritual journey. πŸ™πŸ€

β€œThank You” & β€œNote to Publishers”

6 thoughts on “God At My Table

  1. A truth that when acknowledged with feeling, sets us free. Thanks for continuing to share your gift with us Art! Another heartfelt article of truth.


    1. Thank you, Monica; your kind comment means so much! Yes, I agree about purification being required. Still ongoing, but that’s fine–I’m very grateful to be out of the dream of “personhood.” Wishing you a wonderful day!

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